So, here I am, writing in my new blog. I should tell you more about myself. I live on the outskirts of a big metropolis. I have been unemployed for almost three months. I'm sick with a cold right now, and haven't done shit all weekend. I'm beginning a new life as an "almost vegan" (I'm not being strict about it). I am applying to graduate school in social work. I volunteer at an animal shelter and an animal-assisted therapy organization. My whole fucking life and self changed about 2 1/2 years ago when my partner suddenly died. I now live with a lot of grief, but I also have a depth of spirituality and love and hope that I never had before. I had two choices: let the tragedy destroy me or let it make me stronger. I chose the latter. I am enjoying being unemployed, even though I'm broke. I'm broke, but I feel peace for the first time since my partner got sick almost 3 years ago. I will get a gig soon, though. I am almost 30 years old, and I spent most of my 20s being incredibly confused and lost and miserable. The path for me has not been laid out by anyone who came before me. I have had to find my own way, so it has been very hard to figure it all out. I feel like I've now made a map for myself, and I know where I'm going, how to get there, and I have the patience and wisdom to love the journey itself.
I can't wait to read more of your blog!
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