31 oktober 2006

Det Nya Jobbet

I finally got the call I've been waiting for: a temporary assignment from the agency! I will be an administrative assistant at a children's hospital in the city. I don't care about the commute. It will be better than the previous one, and I will finally have an income again! I start on Thursday. Tomorrow, I have to go into the city to take a drug test. All they'll find is that I have shitloads of cold medication in my system, LOL! My cold is now at the "cough-your-lungs-out-and-lose-your-voice" stage. I just had edamame for breakfast. I am gonna ask the girl who lives upstairs from me if she will go get me some more cold meds and some orange juice without pulp. I am too sick to go walking outside in the cold. I'm drinking lots of tea. I might make parsnip-carrot soup tonight, if I'm not totally zonked out by the meds. I have my appointment with my therapist tonight, but I just can't make that trip into the city with this horrible cold. I called to cancel. So, I'm also not gonna be able to go with my friend to pay tribute to her high school friend who committed suicide, and I'm not gonna be able to go to the Halloween benefit that my animal shelter is having. I AM FUCKING SICK!!! I am both excited to start my job, and nervous about going into the world of work again. I lost track of how many weeks it's been since I quit my former job. Let me look at a calendar...this is the twelfth week of unemployment. My schedule will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., so I will hopefully be able to work part time at a doggy gym during the evenings. It's gonna be brutal to get up early every morning again, but hey, that's whatcha gotta do if ya wanna pay tha rent! Employed status, here I come!


Blogger Mary J. said...

Have you heard of this song by The Smiths called "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now"? It goes: "I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and Heaven knows I'm miserable now..."

Good luck with the job! Happy Halloween and I hope you get well soon!

31/10/06 18:09  

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