28 november 2007

onsdag den tjugoåtta november

i have great fucking news: my dad just found out today that he got the new, better job at the park, and so he doesn't have to move out or deal with unemployment! good god, i am so glad! so, so, so glad!!! i hope he never has to deal with not having a job or a home again!!! he came over to queens and took me out to dinner at my favorite italian restaurant. i would have treated him, but i am broke. i don't have enough to make december rent. i am selling shit on ebay like mad, trying to get the money together to pay that rent. yeah, it fucking sucks. i don't get student loans for spring semester until january!

i get two papers back tomorrow. i hope i did well on them. i only have one more paper to write. then, i have two final exams and two more statistics homework assignments. in two weeks, i get to register for spring semester classes. i have my preferred schedule all figured out, with the professors i want to have. :)

i have a bit of a crush on a boy in one of my classes. i can't tell if he thinks anything of me. he doesn't try to talk to me, really, but sometimes he sits next to me. he has lots of female friends at the school. i wonder why he doesn't try to talk to me since we seem to be passionate about similar things and he obviously has no problem being friends with girls. he's smart and makes good comments in class, and i can tell by what he says that his politics are like mine. he's cute. he has very short black hair and brown eyes. he's latino, but i don't know where in latin america his people are from. i really, really don't get the feeling that he's gay, even though the fact that he's so cool with girls makes me wonder. oh, it's just a little crush. i probably don't act like i am interested in him, and maybe he has no idea that i think he's cute and smart. maybe he thinks i'm cute and smart. hmmmm....