15 december 2007

lördag den femtonde december

i am done with my first semester of graduate school. i finished my paper. i took my final exams. i completed my statistics final assignment. it's over! :) i think i did better than i thought i'd do on my sw practice exam. my policy exam was harder than i was expecting it to be. i hope i did well on it. i took all the advice my hbse ta gave me on my last paper, and applied it to the paper i just turned in. i hope i get an a- or higher on it. i worked my ass off on the final statistics project. i hope i did well. if i did as well on all these things as i did on everything else i did this semester, i am going to get straight a's. i think there might have been one semester in college that i was able to pull that off. i think i might be able to pull off straight a's all throughout graduate school and receive a cumulative gpa of 3.8 or higher. that will help me get into the school's phd program. plus, my teachers think i'm one of the best students. yeah, i hope to be going into the phd program. :) life is good. i am doing something i love and am passionate about, and i am doing really well at it. i'm being recognized for my hard work by my teachers and fellow students. i have the reputation among the students of being one of the smartest ones in the program. what a change from how i was treated in the jobs i've had in this city (except for the temp jobs i had over the past year). my field instructor does not really think very highly of me, though. well, i don't think very highly of him, either. i am just gonna stick through the next 4 1/2 months at that internship and make the best of it and focus on my clients and not let my field instructor make me feel like i am shit. i am now on a break from both the internship and school. i go back to the internship on january 4th. i go back to school at the end of january. i got the classes i wanted, except for the teacher i wanted for sw practice. i really want this particular teacher and her class was full when i tried to register. i am gonna try again during add-drop in january. yeah, school is great. i really feel a bond to quite a few people there. i really love to see them and hang out with them. i so wish i had school more than two days per week. for the next few weeks, it'll be time for me to fix up my lair and do all the things i haven't done in so long. yeah. now i'm gonna go to bed soon. g'night!