23 december 2007

lördag den tjugoandra december

hi. it's a few days before christmas. for the first time in my 30-year life, i am not spending christmas in my hometown. my dad's done it before. my sister's done it before. but i have never done it before. my dad and i are spending christmas together in a couple of days.

i'm broke. most of the money i have spent on gifts, though, is by giving my family oxfam america gifts, which are actually gifts for folks in much more difficult circumstances than i've ever been in; gifts given in the names of my loved ones. i might be flat-ass broke, but the money i do have to spend goes towards something that fucking matters. i might be flat-ass broke, but i am extremely privileged to be in the situation i am in. i'm broke, but not poor. no one should live in poverty. period, end of argument. there is far more than enough wealth in this world to take care of every human being. the only reason why some starve and suffer is GREED. no one needs the amount of wealth that too many in this world have. too many need the decencies of basic living standards that so few in this world have.

on a lighter note, there is a boy at a non-profit store in my neighborhood that i just realized i think is really cute and sweet and nice, and he definitely sees sparks when i'm around. i dunno what to do. i was thinking about it today at dinner with my dad (while he was eating his food). if this guy were as sweet to me and as wonderful to me as he's been in our brief encounters (when i browse around the non-profit store), i would, perhaps, freak out. alex was one who accepted me and loved me as is, with all imperfections and scars and ugliness included. i've been so afraid that i'd never find that again. but let's say, what if this boy wanted to be with me despite and/or because of my imperfections? would i not freak out? i would. i've been praying for a partner in life, but am i ready for him? i am glad i've been thinking about this today. cuz if i hadn't been thinking about it and had been faced with love, i might freak out. anyway, this boy is very sweet and cute. no, he's both cute and handsome, both sweet and kind. i don't know his name yet. i think i knew the first time i met him a few months ago that we had an attraction, but i could not mentally handle it. anyway, he has black hair and brown eyes. he's either my height or a little taller or shorter. he is either mexican or central american, for sure. i am gonna go over to that shop again soon and talk to him more. find out his name, maybe hang around enough for us to talk more and perhaps ask one another on a date. yeah. this boy is special.

anyway, i gotta go. christmas preparations call. and i got an "A" in one of my classes. i will probably get the other grades within two weeks.

bye. feliz navidad. god jul. joyeux noel. buon natale. merry christmas.