19 februari 2007

Allt om Pojken i Storbritannien

I'm going to talk about my friend in England. I'll tell you all about him. He was supposed to be born in May of 1978, but he was born eight weeks prematurely, in March. He says his birth was traumatic. He has very mild cerebral palsy because of his birth experience. I don't know how it affects him, though. Whatever effects are very slight, I think. He spent his whole childhood in a cute town with a funny name in Leicestershire. He was accepted to Cambridge University to study linguistics, but it was too much for him. He dropped out midway due to mental stress. A psychiatrist who was helping him with his mental stress told him he has Asperger's, which is like a mild form of autism.

My friend moved to his current town after living in Cambridge. He is a software developer. He takes correspondence language courses from a university based in Milton Keynes, I think. He speaks Swedish and loves Sweden. He has a friend there. He's been to Norway and Denmark as well. He and I are planning to meet each other in Iceland this summer. He already knows a tad of Icelandic. He's a language genius. He's incredibly knowledgable about political and historical things as well. He's very much a Socialist. He's politically active and knows a tremendous amount about Socialism.

My friend is beautiful, I think. I thought he was cute from the start. I met him on a site where people write journals, answer questions, take tests and meet each other for dating, friendships and penpals. He and I have a high percentage match on the site, based on questions we've answered and results from tests we've taken. He started commenting on my journal on the site. Then I messaged him, and it went from messaging on the site to e-mail. I haven't talked to him on the phone yet, but he sent me a sound file of his voice. He has a very soft voice and beautiful accent.

My friend, according to his stats on the site, is an inch shorter than I am. He's slender. He's sent me lots of pictures of himself. I think he's beautiful. He is built delicately. He looks slightly androgynous. No one could mistake him for a female, but if he dressed in drag, he could pass for a woman. He has fine bone structure, high cheekbones, full red lips and big blue-green eyes. His eyebrows are thick and their shape makes him look kind and gentle. He has a cute nose. His hair is a wavy chestnut brown. He wears glasses. He has two little brothers. They're both cute, too, but my friend is the cutest. :) His face is so lovely and sweet, and looking at it calms me. His eyes are wide open, loving and earnest. There's nothing at all harsh in them or in his face whatsoever.

For some reason, my friend thinks I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. Yes, he knows how big I am. He has recent photos of me. For some reason, he loves my body that way. I don't understand why. I just know that European boys are often not put off by big women the way most white American boys are. Anyway, once I'm hanging out with him, I might have that damn nursery rhyme going in my head: "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean..." Funny thing is, of course, that he eats a lot of meat and I am basically vegan. I know, I wish he weren't a big meat-eater. Well, he's a very compassionate person. Maybe he just needs to know more about where his meals come from. Anyway, thin boys make me feel bigger. Alex made me feel smaller because he was really big and tall. My friend in England is a tad shorter than me and much thinner. I feel like a fucking oaf in comparison to him. I told him that. He said, "What are you talking about? You're a fucking goddess!" He doesn't swear often.

Anyway, my friend is very honest and straightforward and down-to-earth. He has this silly side, though, that he doesn't show much to the world. He's shown it to me, though. It's like tickling a little boy. All silliness and giggles. He is very sensitive and caring. He's very true to himself. What you see is what you get. He tells me he's quite shy, and that he zones out sometimes, due to having Asperger's. People with Asperger's have a different social experience than people without it. Alex's little brother also has it, but more acutely than my friend does. It's funny, cuz Alex's little brother's first name is the same as my friend's first name. Alex and his older brother named his little brother. I wonder if Alex is smiling down at me and my friend, the English boy with the same name and syndrome as his little brother. I wonder what Alex feels about my friend. I feel sunny and yellow when I imagine what Alex is feeling about my friend.

I look forward to meeting my friend this summer. I just did my taxes online, and I am getting a nice refund. Not huge, but almost $1,500. $1,500 means A LOT to me right now. It means an incredible amount to me right now. You have no idea. I can get through this month and next month. Beautiful!!!