tack och varsågod
thanksgiving was pretty good. unfortunately, there were no vegan options at the place after all, so it was either starve or eat the stuff with cheese in it. i have noticed that my skin is clearer since i stopped the dairy. i kinda lost my taste for cheese. the stuff was good, but i didn't salivate over it like i used to be when i ate cheese. good. i hope i continue to lose my taste for cheese.
i've been haunted by a video i watched on the peta website. i should not have watched it. it was a video taken undercover at a fur factory where foxes were living torturous lives. like, i should not watch those things. they need to be watched by people who are desensitized to cruelty against animals, not people who are already VERY sensitized to cruelty to animals. the part that haunts me the most was the scene of a fox being killed by electrocution. they stuck an electical prod up the fox's anus and then put a conductor in his mouth. that was it, and the fox was suddenly dead. this precious, beautiful child of god (all animals are children of god, not just humans) was treated like a lump of material and his life taken in a cold, calculated instant, and the hidden camera was right in front of his face when the instantaneous death occurred. it was so horrible! i will forever be haunted by that image. i will never watch another animal cruelty video. such things should only be viewed by people who need a shock like that to get it into their pea brains how cruel the fur industry and meat industry are.
i've been haunted by a video i watched on the peta website. i should not have watched it. it was a video taken undercover at a fur factory where foxes were living torturous lives. like, i should not watch those things. they need to be watched by people who are desensitized to cruelty against animals, not people who are already VERY sensitized to cruelty to animals. the part that haunts me the most was the scene of a fox being killed by electrocution. they stuck an electical prod up the fox's anus and then put a conductor in his mouth. that was it, and the fox was suddenly dead. this precious, beautiful child of god (all animals are children of god, not just humans) was treated like a lump of material and his life taken in a cold, calculated instant, and the hidden camera was right in front of his face when the instantaneous death occurred. it was so horrible! i will forever be haunted by that image. i will never watch another animal cruelty video. such things should only be viewed by people who need a shock like that to get it into their pea brains how cruel the fur industry and meat industry are.
I'm glad you had a good T-day. Mine was good too. I'll blog about it soon. We made yummy tofu and veggie "mondu" (Korean potstickers). I still have enough skins left to make up a whole bunch. I do use a little egg to seal them shut; otherwise they are vegan.
Yeah, I can't watch those videos or even a lot of animal shows on tv about abused animals. It should be required watching for meat eaters, though.
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