06 maj 2007

Körsbär Trädgården

Jag promenerade i körsbär trädgården igår. Det var helt underbart! Jag träffade två svenska kvinnor i trädgården. Jag hade hört dem pratande på svenska och frågade, "Kommer ni från Sverige?" Vi pratade lite. De sade att körsbär trädgården var "Nangijala". Jag höll med. De frågade om varför jag hade bött i Sverige. Jag berättade om Alex och hur jag flyttade tillbaka till Amerika efter hans död. Jag berättade om hur jag hade läst "Bröderna Lejonhjärta" efter Alexs död och hur boken kände mig bättre. Jag känner mig bättre när jag tänker på Alex boende i Nangijala. Jag vet att han bor i en hel härlig plats. Jag tittade upp på blommorna i trädgårdens himmel och började att gråta lite. Alex var där i blommorna och solens sken och vinden.

Translation: I walked around among the cherry blossom trees yesterday. It was totally incredible! I met two Swedish women among the trees. I had heard them speaking Swedish to each other, and I went up and asked them, "Are you from Sweden?" We chatted a bit. They said that the cherry blossom canopy was "Nangijala". I agreed. They asked me why I had lived in Sweden. I explained about Alex and how I moved back to the U.S. after his death. I talked about how I had read "The Brothers Lionheart" (a book by Astrid Lindgren, the woman who wrote "Pippi Longstocking") after Alex's death and it made me feel better. I feel better when I think of Alex being in Nangijala. I know that he lives in a totally beautiful, wonderful place. I looked up at the full blooms that were creating a kind of sky or heaven above my head, and I began to cry a little. Alex was there in the flowers and the sunshine and the breeze.

Här är igårs foton från den botaniska trädgården.
(Here are yesterday's photos from the botanical garden):

Cherry Esplanade and Cherry Walk

Cherry Blossoms Creating a Carpet by the Eastern Parkway Entrance


Dogwood Tree Blooming

Kodama Forest Spirit T-Shirt

I really love the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It was so great to be under the canopies of blossoms yesterday. I was also grateful to have that interaction with the Swedish women. I feel like they were giving me a message from Alex. :)

I had a nice dinner with my friends at the Ethiopian place. They gave me flowers and vegan cupcakes. :) It was really nice. :) Then I went with one of them to mail out my stuff at the post office and then to a birthday party. Then I went home. I didn't get home until after 3 a.m. Today, I'm watching Animal Planet (a show about what all the wild animals are doing during the spring) and working on university stuff. I also need to do my laundry and wash dishes. My dad has to work today, so we're not gonna hang out. I'm just staying home.