My Temp Assignment Winds Down
I think I'll only be at the venue for 2 or 3 more days. The project we were working on came to fruition a few days ago, and now we are winding it down. Things went really well with the project; everything turned out great. The new permanent staffperson who is replacing the one who quit over a month ago is here. I am training her. I am sad to leave. Exmo has like, 3 more weeks here, I think. I think he's sad I'm leaving. He's been warmer to me as of late. He was never cold to me, but reserved in terms of letting our friendship be what it can be. Maybe he'll want to be my real friend, not just my work friend. I hope so. I've been working long hours. I just come home and crash. It's okay, though. I need the $$$. Anyway, my boss was very pleased with how the project turned out. VERY pleased. She was "punch drunk", as Exmo described. She gave me a thank-you card that told me I was "the rock" of the project, and that it wouldn't have happened without me. Oh, my GOD. This is the OPPOSITE of how I was treated at my last permanent job! It is SOOO nice to be acknowledged for my hard work. Neither permanent job I had in NYC ever did that. I really hope this venue needs temp help soon in some sort of respect. I am gonna talk to my temp agency today, and tell them how much of a great experience I've had at the venue, and how I would love to work there more if something else comes up there. I expect my boss to give me a glowing recommendation, so the temp agency would probably be glad to place me in something else at the venue. :) I have about 3 1/2 months until school begins. I may just continue on temping on short assignments part time here and there even after school starts. I will be getting paid for my field assignment. I will also continue being an eBay seller. I'll get by. :)
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