11 maj 2007

tack till gud! det är fredag!

oh, mah gawd. i had the most atrocious cramps this morning! i went in to work two hours late. so, i may actually work until the end of next week. exmo's replacement begins work on monday. exmo's last day is monday. my boss wants him gone, but will keep me through the week to train the new ones. she wants him gone because he's been really lazy at work since the project came to fruition. he has also come in to work late every day since he began and plays on the computer a lot. yeah, it's getting on my damn nerves, too. the honeymoon with exmo is over. i still wanna be his friend, and i still adore him, but the honeymoon is over. :) well, i have been working so damn hard that i am exhausted and haven't talked to any family or friends for days. i worked A LOT this week, particularly. i am so grateful to have tomorrow off, and part of me wants to stay home on sunday. i am SOOOO tired!!!

the neighborhood i live in has erupted into brilliant, lush green foliage and flowers. spring truly is at its zenith! the weather is getting a bit too warm and humid for my tastes. soon it will be summer, and i will suffer in the subway station ovens and on the dirty streets where disgusting smells of garbage and urine waft up off of the hot pavement. i will enjoy the still-mild temperatures while they last. a few things about summer in new york city that i look forward to: FIREFLIES!!! trips to the beach! getting a tan! watching kids play in the fire hydrants and sitting on stoops eating ice cream!

here i am going on and on about work and weather, when i have more exciting news to tell: so, columbia reconsidered my financial aid package, and they just awarded me a scholarship! granted, it's not much, but every bit helps! they don't give out much in scholarships; they gave me a pretty good one close to the maximum amount they'll give out. yeah, i dunno why they didn't give me one from the get-go, but i am not going to complain. i will celebrate that i now have one. this weekend really has to be spent finding private scholarships and applying to them. last saturday, i was all wrapped up in hanami, and on sunday i just sat on my ass doing nothing but watching tv. maybe i've been putting it off because i'm scared i won't find anything to apply for. i just have to try, though. i have to jump in. it would be wonderful to lessen my loan load even more!!!

by the way, i finished passing today. i'm too tired to discuss it right now, but i would like to later. i would also like to continue reading harlem renaissance literature and other african-american literature. unfortunately, most of such books of mine are still in california. i have james baldwin's giovanni's room, though. i'll try it out and see how it fits. oh, and i have zami: a new spelling of my name. i only read part of that book, many years ago in college. i'd like to try it again. so i'll see which book fits my current mood better. books are what help me survive these subway commutes i have. for a while, i was addicted to playing tetris on my cell phone during my commutes, but thankfully i have gone back to reading during those trips.

i'm gonna crash now. my eyeballs are starting to strobe and my uterus continues to contract painfully.

p.s.: my friend in england just sent me a postcard from paris. he went there to witness the presidential election and its aftermath last weekend. yes, i still write back and forth with my friend in england! the honeymoon is over, but he remains my dear, sweet friend!!!


Blogger Mary J. said...

I am so glad you got some do-re-mi from Columbia! Hooray!

Well, I'm sitting on my ass watching reruns of America's Next Top Model. I don't know why. It's at least keeping me from doing the dishes. :P

Have a good weekend, girl.

12/5/07 17:00  

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