the whales and harlem
my hometown is close to the sacramento river, where the mother and baby whales were swimming these past few weeks. i remember when humphrey came up the river when i was a little kid. i didn't get to go see him (my parents were probably really busy and couldn't take us), but they bought me a children's book that was written about him. i still have it. i so wish i could have seen the mother and baby whales. whales have been big on my mind recently, due to the IWC meeting going on in alaska. i've written and written letters to the japanese and icelandic governments to ask them to stop whaling. i've asked other countries to keep the moratorium up and close the loophole that is allowing "scientific research" whaling (commercial whaling in disguise) to go on despite the moratorium. i hope some people have put two and two together concerning the mother and baby whales and the plight of all whales on the planet. we need to protect them ALL. no more whaling. no more environmental degradation. every day, i pray that the IWC meeting will come out on the side of the whales. the humane society international sent me a message today that the fourth largest japanese whale meat distributor is ceasing their distribution of whale meat IMMEDIATELY. this is great news!!! i hope the others follow suit. if there aren't distributors, then that puts a huge hole in the japanese whaling industry. it's weird how three of my favorite countries (japan, iceland and norway) are the worst whaling offenders. i want to tear them new bungholes, i swear. i pray and pray that the members of the IWC will do the right thing. anyway, i hope mother and baby are swimming along peacefully in the pacific, and that their wounds are healing. yeah, i definitely hope that some of these people who have been so in awe of the whales have been moved to start fighting for the rights of all of the whales of this planet. how can you want so badly for two whales to survive and then sit back and do nothing as thousands of other whales are murdered in the oceans every year? but, i see it all the time (e.g. people who might feel some sort of caring for a particular cow or pig but who support factory farming by eating meat). hello? what the fuck? don't you fucking get that you are helping cause the incredible suffering and murder of millions of animals every year by stuffing your face with meat? i don't understand the thought process of most humans when it comes to their beliefs about the place of humans and other species on this earth. NEWS FLASH: WE HUMANS DON'T OWN THIS EARTH, AND IT DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND US. WE ARE NOT SUPERIOR TO OTHER SPECIES. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELVES, PEOPLE, AND STOP CONTRIBUTING TO THE HUGE AMOUNT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF OTHER LIVES ON THIS EARTH. I AM SO SICK OF THE SELFISHNESS AND APATHY AND GREED THAT I SEE TEARING THE WORLD APART. AND YOU WONDER WHY I'M DEPRESSED? YOU'RE CRAZY IF THE STATE OF AFFAIRS ON THIS PLANET DOESN'T UPSET YOU!!!!
i have to move out between four and six weeks from now. i have started packing. no, i have not found a place to live, but i am working on it. i will find a really cool person in harlem who is looking for a roommate, and i'll move in, and they won't mind my matching chococat bathmat and toilet lid cover. yeah, that's my next big project. oh, and i calculated today that almost half of the cost of my education will be covered by my scholarship, my jobs, and the loan forgiveness program for licensed, practicing social workers that new york state has. yay!!! this totally cheers me up! i'm gonna do this. it's gonna work out. i already signed the promissory notes for my loans. i'm gonna move to harlem. i'm gonna sign up for comprehensive health insurance through the school. i am gonna register for classes. i am gonna begin my program!!!
i have to move out between four and six weeks from now. i have started packing. no, i have not found a place to live, but i am working on it. i will find a really cool person in harlem who is looking for a roommate, and i'll move in, and they won't mind my matching chococat bathmat and toilet lid cover. yeah, that's my next big project. oh, and i calculated today that almost half of the cost of my education will be covered by my scholarship, my jobs, and the loan forgiveness program for licensed, practicing social workers that new york state has. yay!!! this totally cheers me up! i'm gonna do this. it's gonna work out. i already signed the promissory notes for my loans. i'm gonna move to harlem. i'm gonna sign up for comprehensive health insurance through the school. i am gonna register for classes. i am gonna begin my program!!!
I am so excited for you! Going back to school will be great! Moving out of the basement will be good for you and you'll start into a great career.
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