fredag den artonde januari
yesterday evening, i ended up texting diego. no reply. i went to bed and prayed the first of nine prayers to st. jude. soon thereafter, diego texted back. my friend who has done the st. jude novena several times in her life says it has worked for her. i know, no one would guess i'd be reciting catholic prayers. what can i say? my dad's catholic; i guess he passed a bit of it on to me. anyway, diego texted back (at like 3 a.m.). i texted him back a few minutes ago and gave him my e-mail address because there's only so much one can text. and quite frankly, i hate talking on the phone. i do. i hate talking on the fucking phone. i don't call people, unless it's for a very brief conversation. i write to them. there are few exceptions. i'd rather write to this guy than talk on the phone, and maybe we can set up a time to meet before the protest so that we can organize what we're gonna do. and then i will be happy, cuz i will get to spend more time with him. when he sent me the text at 3 a.m., he said "pardon me" because he replied so late. "pardon me", he said. so cute! i guess that's what they say in texas. yeah, i am boy crazy. just let me be boy crazy. my heart is protected even though i'm giddy about this boy. i won't be hurt by him. we'll definitely be friends no matter what, anyway. it would be a big bonus if he lived in queens!!! :)
i am officially obsessed with "in rainbows" and i need to buy it so that i can give my sister back her copy. i bet you $20 that diego also likes radiohead. somehow, i can tell when folks like radiohead. like, when i met mr. exmo (the boy i temped with last spring at the music venue), i just somehow knew he loved radiohead. there was no evidence to suggest it. i just knew. and so i asked him if he liked radiohead, and his eyes popped out of his head and he told me he LOOOOOOVED radiohead. anyway, the like, immediate rapport i felt with mr. exmo upon our meeting is what i feel with diego, and i hope diego is not gay. i really, really did not get any bleeps on my gaydar around him, though.
yesterday evening, i ended up texting diego. no reply. i went to bed and prayed the first of nine prayers to st. jude. soon thereafter, diego texted back. my friend who has done the st. jude novena several times in her life says it has worked for her. i know, no one would guess i'd be reciting catholic prayers. what can i say? my dad's catholic; i guess he passed a bit of it on to me. anyway, diego texted back (at like 3 a.m.). i texted him back a few minutes ago and gave him my e-mail address because there's only so much one can text. and quite frankly, i hate talking on the phone. i do. i hate talking on the fucking phone. i don't call people, unless it's for a very brief conversation. i write to them. there are few exceptions. i'd rather write to this guy than talk on the phone, and maybe we can set up a time to meet before the protest so that we can organize what we're gonna do. and then i will be happy, cuz i will get to spend more time with him. when he sent me the text at 3 a.m., he said "pardon me" because he replied so late. "pardon me", he said. so cute! i guess that's what they say in texas. yeah, i am boy crazy. just let me be boy crazy. my heart is protected even though i'm giddy about this boy. i won't be hurt by him. we'll definitely be friends no matter what, anyway. it would be a big bonus if he lived in queens!!! :)
i am officially obsessed with "in rainbows" and i need to buy it so that i can give my sister back her copy. i bet you $20 that diego also likes radiohead. somehow, i can tell when folks like radiohead. like, when i met mr. exmo (the boy i temped with last spring at the music venue), i just somehow knew he loved radiohead. there was no evidence to suggest it. i just knew. and so i asked him if he liked radiohead, and his eyes popped out of his head and he told me he LOOOOOOVED radiohead. anyway, the like, immediate rapport i felt with mr. exmo upon our meeting is what i feel with diego, and i hope diego is not gay. i really, really did not get any bleeps on my gaydar around him, though.
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