torsdag den tjugofjärde januari
so, i'm putting my little interest in mr. diego in the recycling bin. he hasn't texted, e-mailed, or called me since i texted him back last friday. fuck it. no excuses -- if he were interested, he would have responded. i had asked st. jude to make it obvious to me whether or not this guy was right for me. his silence for the past week says it all. i keep praying to st. jude for love to appear. my last prayer of the novena is tomorrow night. my friend comes sunday. my lair is much cleaner. on saturday is the anti-fur demonstration. i will see diego there, but i'll just be cool. i won't ask anything about why he didn't write back. i'll just act like it's totally no big deal and that i wasn't even thinking about it. i am excited about the demo because i have a fox hat (a fox head is on the hat -- a FAKE fox stuffed animal head made out of POLYESTER and other PLASTICS) and i am going to be leafletting and talking to folks about where the fur trim on their parka hoods comes from. i hope lots of people will be at the demo like last time. school starts next week. i am kinda looking forward to it. i'm somewhat dismayed that i did not get the practice classes i wanted. maybe the professor i did end up getting will be awesome, though. i finished "the golden compass", and now, when i get my student loan refund, i will buy "the subtle knife". i can't wait!!! still totally listening to radiohead's new album over and over. now i can say that i am deeply in love with the album, except for song #s 5 and 8. i don't like those songs. they irk me. i fell madly in love with song #2, #4, and #9. i had liked song #1 from the beginning, and i loved song #7 from the beginning, too. in my dream last night, i was going to get a ticket to see heart in concert in stockholm. i wanna get their greatest hits album. i'm like, in a heart phase. i also want earth, wind, and fire's greatest hits. yeah, blah, blah, blah. soon, i hope to meet a boy who interests me and who is interested in me. oh, and by what i've written on this blog, i might seem way overeager about diego, but i did not show that to him at all in person or in text, so i know i could not have scared him away. :p
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