21 augusti 2007

tisdag den tjugonde augusti

there has been a roach infestation in my room. i bombed the room yesterday. i found 3 roaches crawling since then. i bombed the room again today. hopefully there won't be roaches alive in there for a while. i just don't wanna deal with them as long as i'm living there, which hopefully won't be much longer.

i am moving to my new lair in a few days, hopefully before the weekend ends. next week is school orientation. i've been having medication side effects which are now getting better, and i have been stressing out about wanting so much to move asap, and i am scared about school. i'm not scared about school, actually. i am excited about school and scared about how well i will handle it and how good i will be at my field placement. i wanna succeed at this endeavor so very much. i want my 30s to be a decade in which i enjoy small and large fruits of my labors and struggles.

my new lair is very close to manhattan. my name is on the lease. the lair will be an empty shell when i move in. no one else's shit will be in there. i'll have my own little tiny piece of this huge city for myself. it will be a quiet place to study in. it will be a retreat for me, myself and i. i'll have a patio. i'll make an awesome little home for myself. it'll be the cutest place ever.