Call the Feds; I'm off my meds!!!
I just wrote a long self-indulgent rant here, but I decided to delete it.
I've been off my meds for 4-5 days because I hardly have any pills left, and I am trying to stretch them out, but it obviously isn't working for me, because I'm an absolute nutter now. I have depression, folks. I take meds for it. Well, I e-mailed my doctor today, and he's gonna give me some samples of my meds, as well as prescriptions for them. Apparently, they have now gone generic and should actually be affordable for me without insurance. Yay!
I went to the cherry blossom festival yesterday. I'm too tired to post pictures from it now. You'll have to wait. I wore my Kamaji t-shirt to the festival. :) The trees were breathtaking. Many of them were just budding, though. I wanna go back this coming Saturday to see them blooming fully.
Alex's grave has a cherry tree by it. I wonder if it's blossoming now. I wish I could go to it. I haven't been back to Stockholm since the summer of 2005. I really, truly wish to go back this summer, but I don't see how I can, financially. I also wanna go visit my friend in Chicago. I really, really want to go to Chicago SOON!!!
Still haven't gotten my financial aid package. I'm really worried that I won't get the funds to be able to go to school. It's really stressing me out. I haven't heard JACK SHIT from Hunter AT ALL. Ugh.
I'm gonna have some soy ice cream now: cookies and cream! :)
I've been off my meds for 4-5 days because I hardly have any pills left, and I am trying to stretch them out, but it obviously isn't working for me, because I'm an absolute nutter now. I have depression, folks. I take meds for it. Well, I e-mailed my doctor today, and he's gonna give me some samples of my meds, as well as prescriptions for them. Apparently, they have now gone generic and should actually be affordable for me without insurance. Yay!
I went to the cherry blossom festival yesterday. I'm too tired to post pictures from it now. You'll have to wait. I wore my Kamaji t-shirt to the festival. :) The trees were breathtaking. Many of them were just budding, though. I wanna go back this coming Saturday to see them blooming fully.
Alex's grave has a cherry tree by it. I wonder if it's blossoming now. I wish I could go to it. I haven't been back to Stockholm since the summer of 2005. I really, truly wish to go back this summer, but I don't see how I can, financially. I also wanna go visit my friend in Chicago. I really, really want to go to Chicago SOON!!!
Still haven't gotten my financial aid package. I'm really worried that I won't get the funds to be able to go to school. It's really stressing me out. I haven't heard JACK SHIT from Hunter AT ALL. Ugh.
I'm gonna have some soy ice cream now: cookies and cream! :)